Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward

Ensuring women at every stage of their career have access to the Women's Industry Network

Through the generosity of people across the industry, WIN is able to provide a limited number of 1 year memberships at no cost to the recipient. Donate a membership or apply to receive one below!

Who Can Receive Pay It Forward Membership?

  • Those who are new to the industry
  • Those not currently employed but actively seeking a role in the industry
  • Those working as a collision repair program instructor
  • First time applicants without company sponsorship

Donate a Membership

The Pay It Forward Campaign is all about sharing the value of WIN with others in the industry. Participating in this campaign is simple! Contribute $95 and designate a WIN membership recipient of your choice -OR- donate it to our "WIN Pick" fund and we will designate the recipient. 

  • Purchase a WIN Membership to donate to someone else in the industry
  • WIN will notify recipients of your generous gift
  • Renew or Activate your own WIN Membership!

Please note: Pay It Forward donations and recipients are ineligible for entry into drawings or other membership promotions.

Donate to Pay It Forward >